
LSD or Lysergic Acid Diethylamide


LSD or Lysergic Acid Diethylamide was discovered in 1930. It is one of the hallucinogens composed of chemicals that contribute to mood changing. It is made of the “Lysergic” acid found in the parasites that grow on stalks. LSD is sold in the form of tablets or liquid, and has no smell or color. It is distinguished by its bitterness, is sometimes added to paper inhalants, and id divided into small cubes, each equivalent to a single dose.

LSD is referred to with several names including: Acid, Microdot, Doses, Trips, Hits or Sugar Cubes.

Physiological Risks:

It is difficult to predict the results of “LSD” since it is related to several factors, including: intake, abuser’s personality, temperament, aspirations and the surrounding within which he is using LSD.

The anesthetic effect usually starts after 30 to 90 minutes of use. Among its physiological effects: pupil stretching, high blood pressure, increased heartbeat, high body temperature, sweating, reduced viability for food, insomnia and thirst.

Impacts on the Feelings and Emotions:

Changes on the level of feelings and emotions are more dramatic than the physiological ones. LSD abuser experiences different emotions at once, or swings between one feeling and another.

If LSD is taken in large quantities, it leads to hallucinations and unrealistic diagnosis; it opposes the work of the abuser’s senses as well, so he starts hearing colors and seeing sounds. These changes are frightening; they cause confusion and might last about 12 hours.

LSD abusers suffer from frightening thoughts and feelings, such as the fear from losing control, madness, and despair. Such experience might lead to fatal events. Some users suffer from continuing to live in the past even after cessation of drug use. These photos of the past happen suddenly and without any warning, and they can occur within a few days or even a year after the use of LSD. Only those who exceed the minimum allowed in this substance abuse experience this incident which leads to mental illness such as schizophrenia and major depressions. Worth of mentioning too is the fact that most of the LSD abusers voluntarily decrease their LSD use rate with the passage of time, though this substance is not considered as an addicting substance despite the physical and psychological effects it engenders.